Hear the meditative and mystic sound of the didgeridoo. Invented by the Indigenous Australian people more than 1000 years ago, this vibrant instrument is also called “yiḏaki”, the voice.

Played by vibrating lips and a special technique called circular breathing, didgeridoo’s sound imitates animals, nature and legends.

Didgeridoo pack has 120 sound files in 192kHz – 24 bit format. It includes a collection of drones with various techniques; emu, kookaburra, dingo, dog and mythical Rainbow Serpent voices; rhythms, loops.

There are 35 designed sounds created by using only the original recordings in this pack and showcase the flexibility of the sound of didgeridoo. The designed sounds include cinematic braams, transitions, whooshes, sci-fi ui sounds, alarms and more.

120 high resolution files, 175 sounds, 18 minutes duration. All files are in stereo 192kHz 24 bit format. Includes detailed and easy-to-navigate metadata. Recorded with Sennheiser MKH 8040’s.

Find the true sound of it with Vadi Sound Library.


Didgeridoo, Indigenous Australian, ancient, instrument, brass, voice, emu, kookaburra, dingo, dog, rainbow serpent, drone, vibrant, meditative, mystical, breath, circular breathing, musical, instrument, rhythm, designed, cinematic, braam, transition, whoosh, sci-fi, UI, sound, alarm.


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