12 essential libraries in one solid Foley toolkit. All fresh and already bestseller Foley libraries of; Clothes, Drag & Slide, Drawers, Drop & Fall, Everyday Doors, Foliage, Footsteps, Kitchen Foley, Loot & Rummage, Lots Of Chains, Pick Up & Set Down and Sand & Pebble.

17GB, 5508 files, 11.968 organically recorded sounds ofhandling endless diverse objects and materials.

Pick Up & Set Down has 4900 sounds of mostly household objects made of wood, ceramic, marble, plastic, metal and they are handled with creativity on unique surfaces.

Footsteps has 750 sounds of walking, running, jumping, indoors and outdoors, barefoot and with lots of different shoes on many surfaces. You’ll get variations of every performance you can think of.

Clothes has 725 performances of everyday clothes, textile, and accessories / recorded in-studio. Get 30+ types of clothes with variations including wear, flap, handle, fold, rustle, grab, and various accessories such as backpacks, bags, Velcro fastener and zippers.

Drag & Slide has 477 sounds and lots of dragging, sliding, scraping and friction sounds of different objects made of wood, plastic, metal on various surfaces.

Drawers has 298 sounds of distinctive character, from domestic to antique wooden, metal, plastic drawers of the kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom and more. Get opening, closing, slamming, sliding (with/without roller/ stopper), squeaking and cracking with different perspectives and intensities.

Drop & Fall has 927 sounds ofmovement and handling sounds; falling, dropping, bouncing, smashing and debris sounds of different objects made of wood, plastic, metal, stone, ceramic, glass on various surfaces.

Everyday Doors has 752 sounds of doors, gates, and furnishings; from everyday wooden doors to palace, pub, studio doors, garden gates, stone house doors and antique wardrobes; with opening, closing, squeaking, creaking, locking, unlocking, rattle and organic reverberation.

Foliage brings 571 sounds of grass, branches, leaves, bushes, twigs, and lots of vegetation and rustle. Get hold of shuffles, breaks, shakes, rustle, hits, punches, and more creative handling, movement, manipulation takes from different perspectives.

Kitchen Foley includes 750 sounds of food & drink, cooking, packaging, household, appliances, glassware, tableware, ingredients, water, and general household objects that are frequently used in the kitchen.

Loot & Rummage has 581 sounds of wood, metal, plastic and cloth sounds and is created with the video game developers in mind. Get empty bullet shells, wallets, paper bills, plastic cases, coins, jackets, luggages, cassettes, wrenches, even rock candies as stems in a bonus folder.

Lots Of Chains has 566 soundsof pull, drop, shake, rattle, hit, dangle, pulley, stomp, jingle, footsteps, add-on and tension of elongated, round, cable, twisted curb and heavy elongated chains and bonus necklaces.

Sand & Pebble has 671 sounds (431 sand and 240 pebbles), with a variety of sand granules and pebbles being thrown, poured, cascaded, handled, and manipulated in various ways, from 2 perspectives on cardboard, metal, plastic, ground, stone, wood, tile, rocks, and more surfaces.

You will get intuitive and detailed naming, metadata and the usual Vadi Sound craft and attention to detail. 100% royalty-free, recorded at 192kHz / 96kHz with DPA 4080s, Sennheiser MKH8040s and F3/F6s with a lot of patience and care. The resulting spectrum is rich and allows for extreme manipulation of the sounds and more complex sound design.

Find the true sound of it with Vadi Sound Library.