Hear the charming sounds of the 238 wind chimes. The richness of the harmonics helps to create a serene, meditative, dramatic or eerie atmosphere. Be it magic, a town fair, or just a family house porch, these will add that fresh perspective to build character and anticipation!

Wind Chimes pack comes with 238 organic recordings of tinkle, clang, hit, rattle, knock, grab, release, put down, shake, scrape, impact, plink, silence, ring, release actions from different perspectives.

These high-resolution sound files are in 96kHz – 24bit stereo format and includes various techniques, creative takes and loopable sounds.

Action: Tinkle, clang, hit, shimmer, rattle, knock, grab, release, put down, shake, scrape, impact, plink, silence, release, ring

Style: Light, regular, heavy, strong, windy, breezy, tonal, musical, single, short, medium, long, whoosh, flow

Material: Wood, metal, copper, iron, shells, bamboo, with/out bells, thick, thin, long, short, big, small

These meticulously recorded sounds have both practical usability and room for further sound design. Includes detailed and easy-to-navigate metadata and UCS compatibility. Recorded with Sennheiser MKH 8040 stereo pair and Zoom F3, and the usual Vadi Sound craft and attention to detail.

Find the true sound of it with Vadi Sound Library.